gryffindor commons room

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James Ignatius Potter 4 185 by James Ignatius Potter
Mar 24, 2010 12:39:57 GMT -5


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gryffindor commons room
The entrance is located behind a large painting of a Fat Lady in a pink silk dress. If you know the right password to tell her, she swings open to reveal a round opening in the wall. The common room contains a lot of squashy armchairs, a fireplace, and tables. The fireplace is connected to the Floo Network, but as it is extremely public except in the dead of night, Gryffindors usually use owls to communicate with their families instead. There's also a notice board, for public announcements such as the date of the next Hogsmeade weekend, but also for notices from individual students seeking to buy or sell secondhand books, or trade Chocolate Frog cards, or similar, as in any school.
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